Monday, October 20, 2014

What are Different Types of Semi-Precious Stones?

Image courtesy of  pinterest

A lot of my first-time customers find it hard to understand my pricing, especially when it comes to the value of the semi-precious gemstones I use in the construction of some of my pieces.
This post is to help shed some light on gemstones, because being able to identify a gemstone is important as it gives useful insight into their value.

But first, what are semi-precious gemstones?
According to, 
Semi-precious gemstones are minerals or organic compounds used in jewelry and adornment. They differ from the four cardinal gems, diamond, sapphire, ruby and emerald , because they are more plentiful and therefore, are usually less expensive. Amethyst  was once considered the fifth cardinal gem, but recent discoveries of extensive South American deposits have led to its re-classification as a semi-precious gem.

Semi-precious stone varieties do not end with their similarities to the cardinal gems. Moonstones, a gem from Sri Lanka, can appear almost colourless, and Opals,  from Australian and New Zealand , are a pearl-grey or blue.  

Semi-precious stones are really not stones at all, rather they are organic compounds usually made up of tiny fossils. 
Coral, a pinkish-red gem, is cleaned and polished material from the coral rubrum and corallium japonicum species of coral tree in the coral reefs of the sea. Also from the sea is the pearl, a highly prized stone harvested from Oysters and noted for its sheen.

Semi-precious stones range in price based on size, quality and authenticity. Many semi-precious stones are lab treated to enhance color and remove flaws, and these are correspondingly less expensive. For loose semi-precious stones, prices can range from a few US Dollars to several hundred depending on the size and quality.  

I love semi-precious gemstones and one of my favourite pastimes is hunting for them, be it from Chinese or indian merchants , from the alleyways of the jewellery district in Los Angeles or from reputable online merchants.
So there you have it! My little insight into the world of semi precious gemstones. I hope I have been able to shed some light on the matter. 
In the meantime, whats your favourite colour ? This colour often times reflects our personality type and in some spooky cases reflects our natural birth stone(more on birthstones in our next post). 
So tell me guys, whats your favourite colour? what gemstone do you own or which would you love to own? 

My favourite colour right now is tanzanite-blue.
Tanzanite is an extraordinary gemstone. Its blue, surrounded by a fine hint of purple - a rich, wonderful colour! It is named after the East African state of Tanzania, the only place in the world where it has been found.  Isn't Africa awesome?
Tanzanite gemstone courtesy

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Here are some useful links to read up more on the subject:


  1. mercycox24@yahoo.com20 October 2014 at 12:24

    I love your idea and stones are quite amazing .... and i would like to know wheather you wholesale the stone and the beads

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mercy. Yes I do wholesale but not for loose stones, only set pieces( already-made). You can check my Facebook page for pictures.
